Monday, November 21, 2016

Madhyamik English; Bliss; Lesson 5; Our Runaway Kite

                                         Our Runaway Kite
Lucy Maud Montgomery was a Canadian writer best known for a series of novels beginning with 'Anne of Green Gables'.

This story is about a brother and a sister living on an isolated island with their father, who through a series of incidents, get reunited with their long-lost relatives. it is a touching tale that underlines the value of relationships.

                                                  Unit 1
                                   Comprehension Exercises

1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:
a) The keeper of the Big Half Moon Lighthouse is
ii) Father
b) The family moved over to the mainland in
iv) winter
c) When asked about relations, Father looked
iii) sorrowful

2. Fill in the chart with information from the text.
a) Name of the island
Big Half Moon
b) age of Claude
Eleven years
c) the game played by Claude and the narrator
Pirate caves

3. State whether the following sentences are True or False. Provide sentences phrases / words in support of your answer.
i) True
S.S - “They said we must be lonesome over there, with no other children near us.”
ii) False
S.S - “Claude and I never quarreled”
iii) False
S.S - “Everybody on the mainland had relations”.

                                                 Unit - 2
                                  Comprehension Exercises
4. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:
a) In summer the Big Half Moon is always
i) lovely
b) Back on the island, Claude and the narrator made plenty of
iii) kites
c) the kite was patched with a
ii) letter

5. Complete the following sentences with information from the text:
i) A boy on the mainland showed Claude how to make kites.
ii) On the kite Claude pasted gold tinsel stars all over it and had written their names on it.
iii) Claude was standing with a bit of cord of the sailed away kite in his hand, looking foolish.

6. Fill in the chart with information from the text.
a) The narrator’s elbow went through the kite
When she was bringing the kite from the house, she tripped and fell over the rocks.
b) Claude and the narrator hurried to fix the kite.
They wanted to send the kite up before the wind had finished.
c) The kite soared.
The wind was glorious

                                                Unit - 3
                                     Comprehension Exercises
7. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:
a) A letter came for father after a
iv) month
b) Father left home after quarrelling with his
i) brother
c) Dick and Mimi discovered the kite on the top of a
ii) tree

8. Fill in the chart with information from the text.
a) Person who sent the letter
Aunt Esther
b) name of Aunt Esther’s mother
c) total number of family members in the narrator’s family at present

9. Answer the following questions:
a) What did father find when he went back home years afterwards?
Ans - Father found his brother had died and he could not find his sister years afterwards when he went back.
b) Where did Aunt Esther live?
Ans - Aunt Esther lived hundreds of miles inland.
c) Why did Aunt Esther turn pale?
Ans - When Aunt Esther found the kite patched with the same letter she had written to her brother earlier she turned pale with surprise.

10. Change the following sentences into questions, as directed:
a) Shankha lives in Alipurduar. (Information question using ‘ where’)
Ans - Where does Shankha live?
b) They have gone to a picnic. (Interrogative sentence using ‘have’)
Ans - Have they gone to a picnic?
c) I went to school yesterday. (Simple question using ‘did’)
Ans - Did I go to school yesterday?
d) Tia studies in class x (Information question using ‘which’)
Ans -In  which class does Tia read? 

11. Suppose your bicycle has a sudden tyre puncture on your way to school. You have taken the cycle to a repair shop. Write an imaginary dialogue (within 100 words) between the shopkeeper and you.
I : Hello Rajuda ! Good Morning.
Raju : Good Morning. How are you? How is your brother? He came to my shop the other day to repair a puncture.
I : I am fine and my brother too. Today I have got a tyre puncture.
Raju : oh really ! How did it happen?
I : I was going to school, suddenly I found that my cycle’s tyre got punctured. Please repair the puncture quickly or I will be late for the school.
Raju : ok. Just give me 5 minutes. I will repair that in time.
I : ok. How much do I have to pay?
Raju : 10 rupees.
I: ok. Please repair. I will pay that.

12. Write a story (within 100 words) using the given hints. Give a title to the story.
Crow sitting on a tree ---- piece of meat on its beak ----- fox passing under the tree --- wants the meat --- asks the crow to sing --- crow keeps under its feet and sings ----- fooled, fox leaves.
                                       Fox Gets Fooled
One day in a forest, there was a crow sitting on a branch of a tree beside the river.  The crow had collected a piece of meat in its beak from somewhere. It got tired so it was resting for a moment on the tree. Meanwhile, a fox was passing under the tree. He saw the crow sitting on the branch. Seeing the piece of meat in the crow’s beak, a tricky idea came to his mind. The fox thought that he was very clever and could fool the crow. So, he said to the crow that it had a very beautiful voice and requested the crow to sing a song for him. But the crow was cleverer that the fox. It understood the trick of the fox at once. The crow kept the meat under its feet and began to sing. The fox got fooled and left the place with a broken heart.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Madhyamik English; Lesson 4; My Own True Family

                                            My Own True Family

Edward James 'Ted' Hughes was a noted poet of English Literature and had been the Poet Laureate of Great Britain from 1984 till his death. His famous works include 'Birthday Letters', 'The Hawk in the Rain', and 'Tales from Ovid'
[The British Poet Laureate is an honorary position appointed by the monarch of the United Kingdom on the advice of the Prime Minister. The role does not entail any specific duties, but there is an expectation that the holder will write verse for significant national occasions. The origins of the laureateship date back to 1616 when a pension was provided to Ben Jonson, but the first official holder of the position was John Dryden, appointed in 1668 by Charles II. source - wikipedia] 
The poem describes the magical experience of a young child in an Oakwood, and indicates that human beings and trees should thrive as a single family. It focuses strongly on the need to protect our natural environment for the welfare of mankind.
EXPLANATION:  “Once I crept in …to a stake”
The poet once went to an oakwood in search of a deer. There he met with a very weak and feeble old woman. She showed a bag to the poet and said that she knew his secret which perhaps made the poet very curious.
Then the old woman began to shake her bag in a magical way and suddenly the poet found himself surrounded by a tribe and he was tied to a stake.
EXPLANATION: “They Said…but never grew”
The tribes were nothing but the oak trees and they said to the poet that they are his own true family. They expressed their unhappiness saying that human beings chop them down, they torn them up. They threatened the poet that they would kill him unless he made a promise to stop this.
They made the poet to make promise that from now on he would plant more trees whenever one tree is cut. If the poet would not make the promise then the old oak tree would devour him.
EXPLANATION: “This was my dream…heart was a tree”
But this incident is not a real incident. It is happening in the dreams of the poet.  But when the poet wakes up his inner conscience has already transformed. He feels sorry for the trees. He on behalf of mankind realizes his mistake and his heart is filled with compassion for the trees.

                                                 Comprehension Exercises
1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:
a) Creeping in an Oakwood, the poet was looking for a
iii) Stag
b) Whenever an Oak tree is felled, the number of trees the poet must plant is
ii) two
c) When the poet came out of the Oakwood, his heart was that of a
2. State whether the following sentences are True or False. Provide sentences phrases / words in support of your answer.
a) True
S.S – “I have your secret in my little bag”
b) False
S.S – “we are chopped down, we are torn up, you do not blink an eye.”
c) False
S.S – “When I came out of the oakwood, back to human company.”
3. Answer the following questions:
a) When did the poet come twice awake?
Ans- When the old woman whom the poet met in an oakwood opened the bag to show a magic, the poet came twice awake.
b) What would happen to the poet if he failed to make the promise?
Ans – If the poet failed to make the promise, the black oak tree would wrinkle over him and rooted him among the oak trees. This way he would die.
c) What was it that altered the poet?
Ans –The dream which the poet saw about the ill fate of oak trees has altered the poet completely. When he awoke from his dream he felt compassionate with the trees.

4. Change the following into indirect speech:
a) Rahul asked Dipa,”Will you go to school today?”
Ans – Rahul asked Dipa if she would go to school that day.
RULE : 1. Look at the Reporting Verb. here it is ‘asked’, it is in past form.
       2. If Reported speech (the portin in inverted comma) is a yes/no question, then to remove the inverted comma we should use if/whether.
                    3. If Reported speech is in Future Indefinite Tense, then shall/will is changed to should/would according to subject.
                   4. The Reported speech should be rewritten as a Statement.
b) Rita said to Ayesha, “Please give me a glass of water.”
Ans - Rita requested Ayesha to give her a glass of water.
RULE :        1. If Reported Speech is a request then in Indirect Speech we must use ‘requested’ or ‘request’ according to the form of Reporting  Verb.
             2. To remove inverted comma we use ‘to’ here and not ‘That’ or ‘If’.
c) The old man told the little girl, ”May you be happy”
Ans - The old man wished that the little girl might be happy.
RULE:     1. If the Reported speech is an Optative Sentence, we should use the word ‘Wished’ in place of the Reporting Verb.
          2. Here ‘that’ is used to remove inverted comma.
          3. The Reported speech is rewritten as Statement.
1. He asked me, “ Will you come tomorrow?”
He asked me if I would come the next day.
2. The receptionist said to me, “Please sign the register.”
The receptionist requested me to sign the register.
3. He said, “May God bless you”.
He prayed that God might bless him.

5. Do as directed:
a) Ranjan said, “who does not know the name of Rabindranath?” (Change into affirmative sentence)
Ans - Ranjan said that everybody knows the name of Rabindranath.
b) Sangeeta runs faster than any other girl in her class. (Rewrite using the positive degree of ‘faster’)
Ans - No other girl in the class runs as fast as Sangeeta.

7. Your school is going to organize the Inter-school District Sports Competition. Suppose you are the secretary of the Sports Club of your school. Write a notice (within 100 words) calling students to participate in the competition. Mention the time, date and venue of the competition. Your notice should be countersigned by the Headmaster/Headmistress of your school.

                                               NAWAB BAHADUR’S INSTITUTION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             NOTICE                                             19/11/2016
It is hereby notified that the school is going to host the Inter - school District Sports Competition from 1st December 2016 to 7th December 2016 in our school premises. Teams from different schools in our district will participate in the sports competition. Many events will be there details of which will be announced later. The willing students are requested to submit their names to the game’s teacher. One candidate can participate maximum in three events.  Honourable Sports Minister of the state will inaugurate the programme. The students are asked to maintain discipline throughout the programme.
      Counter signed by                                                                            Sports Club

Friday, November 18, 2016

Madhyamik English; Lesson 3; The Passing Away of Bapu

                                       The Passing Away of Bapu

Nayantara Sehgal is one of the first female writers in English in India. Her writings mostly deal with the political crisis during the British Period.

The text, an extract from her memoir 'Prison and Chocolate Cake' tells vividly the sudden shock that the author and the whole India witnessed when they heard the sudden assassination of their beloved father, Bapu.

                                          Comprehension Exercise

1.Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:
a) Gandhiji had been shot on his way to
i) the Birla House
b) The author came to know of Gandhi's death by
ii) a telephone call
c) When one is faced with the shock of a loved ones death, one
i) whimpers

2. Fill in the chart with information from the text:
a) 30th January 1948
b) Birla House
c) Bapu was no more

3. State whether the following statements are True or False. Provide sentences/Phrases/words in support of your answer:
a) False
S.S - "I was having tea at the evening of 30th January ..."
b) True
S.S- " They jostled one another in a stampede to break into the house."
c) False
S.S- "It was the question in many of our hearts as we sat, still shocked and unbelieving."

                                                     Unit -2

4.Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

a) Gandhiji's funeral was to take place
iii) one day after his death.
b) Padamsi was Mrs.Naidu's
iv) daughter
c) While walking, Bapu used to carry in his hand a
i) staff

5. Complete the following sentences with information from the text:

a) Thousands of people wept, trying to touch Bapu's feet.
b) The author was among people for whom walking with Bapu had a special meaning.
c) To walk is to make slow progress.

6. Fill in the chart with information from the text:

a) the crowd was very thick as thousands of weeping people gathered trying to catch Bapu's feet.
b) It was the last time that they would walk with Gandhiji.
c) there was not much means of journey available at that time. Transportation was very costly for average Indian.

                                                  Unit - 3

7. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

a) Gandhiji's ashes were taken to
ii) Allahabad
b) A huge crowd had gathered by the
i) Ganges
c) Gandhiji awakened people to one another's
iii) suffering

8. Complete the following sentences with information from the text:

a) people on the special train sang bhajans while going to Allahabad to immerse the last ashes of Gandhiji.
b) The author felt that she had grown up within a magical circle and with Bapu's sudden demise that circle had vanished.
c) Bapu had passed away but his India would continue to live in his children.

9. Fill in the chart with information from the text:

a) they could feel Gandhiji's presence amid the flowers and songs.
b) the author felt unprotected.
c) the author's values were not so week.

10. Join the following pairs of sentences into single sentences as directed:

a) I saw a snake. I ran away. (Use participle)
Ans- Seeing a snake I ran away.
b) He learns music. He listens to the chords. (Use preposition with gerund)
By listening to the chords, he learns music.
c) Gold is a precious metal. It is used to make ornaments. (Use Noun in apposition)
Ans- Gold, a precious metal, is used to make ornaments.
d) Ramu has some money. He can buy books. (Use infinitives)
Ans- Ramu has some money to buy books.
e) Rima completed her work. She went out. (Use nominative absolute)
Ans- Having completed her work, Rima went out.
f) The boy wrote the answer. The answer was incorrect.(use adverbial phrase)
Ans- The boy wrote the answer incorrectly.

11. Join the following pairs of sentences into single compound sentences as directed:

a) The old man is unwell. He cannot go out.(use illative conjunction)
Ans- The old man is unwell so he cannot go out.
b) He is honest. He is humble. (Use cumulative conjunction)
Ans- He is both honest and humble.
c) Sonali cannot write poetry. She keeps on trying. (Use adversative conjunction)
Ans- Sonali cannot write poetry yet she keeps on trying.
d) Study hard. You will not pass the examination. (Use alternative conjunction)
Ans- Study hard or you will not pass the examination.

12. Join the following pairs of sentences into single complex sentences as directed:

a) Rabindranath Tagore is a famous poet. He won the Nobel Prize.(use noun clause)
Ans- Rabindranath Tagore who is a famous poet won the Nobel Prize.
b) He returned home. Everyone in the family had fallen asleep. (Use adverb clause)
Ans - When he returned home, everyone in the family had fallen asleep.
c) The sun rises in the east. Everyone knows it.(use adjective clause)
Ans- The sun rises in the east which is known to everyone.

13. Join the following sentences into single sentences as directed:

a) It rained hard. The roads were not flooded. (Compound sentence)
Ans- It rained hard but the roads were not flooded.
b) He completed his work. He took rest. (Simple Sentence)
Ans- Completing his work, he took rest.
c) Rahul is a great singer. He can sing different kinds of songs.(complex sentence)
Ans- Rahul who is a great singer can sing different kinds of songs.
d) The time of departure of the train has changed. Alia knew it.(Complex sentence)
Ans- Alia knew the time of departure of the train which has changed.
e) I do not watch television. I do not listen to the radio.(compound)
Ans- Neither do I watch television nor do I listen to the radio.
f) The child was short. The child could not pick the guava from the tree.(simple sentence)
Ans- The child being short could not pick the guava from the tree.

14. Split the following sentences into two sentences:

a) It rained and I could not leave my room.
Ans- It rained.
          I could not leave my room.
b) He thought that he could win the race.
     He could win the race. He thought.
c) Having been informed of the trouble, the Principal left for home.
The principal was informed of the trouble.
He left home.
d) Nasir, who was the captain of the team, scored a century.
Nasir was the captain of the team.
He scored a century.

15. Write a biography of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (within 100words) based on the hints given below:

Born on 11 November 1888--- composed poetry in Urdu---- worked as a journalist, protested against British Raj ---- enthusiastic supporter of Gandhiji's ideas--- wrote many books ---- like 'India Wins Freedom', 'Ghubar -e-khatir'etc.--- first Education Minister of India--- birthday celebrated as National Education Day--- died on 22 February 1958.

                                 Maulana Abul Kalam Azad; A Great National Hero

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was a great national leader and patriot. He played a very crucial role in the freedom struggle of India against the British rule. This eminent scholar was born on November 11 1888 in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. As a young man Azad composed poetry in Urdu language. At this time of his life he worked as a journalist and protested against British Raj. He became an enthusiastic supporter of Gandhiji's ideas and joined the National Congress. Amongst his famous books are 'India Wins Freedom', 'Ghubar - e- khatir'. He also played a leading role in shaping up India's educational scenario just after India's Independence. He was the first education minister of India.He is also credited with the establishment of the Indian Institutes of Technology and the foundation of the University Grants Commission, an important institution to supervise and advance the higher education in the nation. Today his birthday is celebrated as National Education Day all over the country.This great personality breathed his last on 22 February 1958.

16. Use the following flow-chart to write a paragraph(within 100 words) on how a building is constructed:

drawing of a plan of the building by the architect- getting the plan sanctioned by the corporation or municipal authorities- engaging masons and laborers- starting the construction with bricks, cement and sand- fitting doors and windows- plastering of walls-wiring-electric and water connections- painting-building completed-fit living.

                                    How Building is Constructed
Constructing a building is a pretty complex and lengthy process. Many things need to be considered before construction work. Firstly drawing of a plan of the building by the architect is done. Then the plan gets sanctioned by the corporation or municipal authorities. After sanctioning the plan it is time to build the structure. For that masons and labourers are engaged.They start the construction with brics, cement and sand. After that doors and windows are fixed. Next step is plastering of walls.All kinds of wiring like electric and water connections are done after that. Last step is painting. After painting is completed the building is fit for living.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Madhyamik English Lesson 2: FABLE


Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American essayists, poet. His famous poems are 'Concord Hymn' and 'Brahma'.
         Mountain and squirrel are two elements of nature. They are completely different in their size. But both have their place and importance in this universe. One can not underestimate the squirrel for its smallness. If squirrel is not as big as mountain, the mountain too is not as small as the squirrel. Both have their advantages and limitations. If the squirrel can not carry forest in its back like the mountain, the mountain also can not crack a nut.

1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

a) The quarrel was between the mountain and the
iv) squirrel
b) Bun has no doubt that the mountain is
ii) big
c) Unlike a mountain, a squirrel can crack a
i) nut

2. State whether the following statements are True or False. Provide sentences/phrases/words in support of your answer.

a) False
S.S- "And the former called the latter'Little Prig'.
S.S- "And not half so spry".
c) True
S.S- "If I can not carry forests on my back"

6. Answer the following questions:

a) Who had a quarrel with the squirrel?
The mountain had a quarrel with the squirrel.
b) What is not a disgrace to the squirrel?
It is not disgrace to the squirrel to occupy a small space unlike the mountain.
c) What is it that the squirrel doesn't deny?
The squirrel doesn't deny that the mountain makes 'a very pretty squirrel track'.

7. Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal verbs from the list. Change the form if necessary:

a) came across
b) put up with
c) turned down

8. Change the voice of the following sentences:

a) Lock the door.
Ans- Let the door be locked.
b) Ashim knows the solution to this problem.
Ans- The solution to this problem is known to Ashim.
c) I had written a letter.
Ans- A letter had been written by me.

9.Write a letter to your friend (within 100 words) advising her/him to visit the public library in her/his locality as frequently as possible.

Dear Ashim,
                   It has been long since I got your letter. Hope that you all are good. I am good here. I want to tell you something today. I want to request you to frequent a good public library regularly. This will help you to prepare well for your madhyamik examination. As it is impossible to get all the information from a single book so visiting a library will boost your knowledge. Another good thing of visiting a library is that you can read many newspapers and journals which will improve your general knowledge. Preparing for examination will be a great fun if you make it a habit.
                    No more today. Please let me know in your reply that you have made a library card.
                                                                             your loving brother

                                 Ashim Karmakar
                        c/o - Ratikanta Karmakar
                                34, Bildhar Lane
                                p.o - Bandel
                                Dist - Hooghly

10. Write a paragraph (within 100 words) on the benefits of early morning exercises using the following points:
good for health --- fresh air --- keeps one active throughout the day

                                      Benefits of Morning Walk

It is rightly said that "Health is wealth". To maintain a good health we must take care of our physical fitness. Now a days it is observed that men are very busy in their daily schedule causing a heavy toll in our body. To maintain a good health morning walk is the best exercise.It refreshes our body and mind.The nature is at its best during this time and morning walk gives us opportunity to come in close contact with the nature.It also reduces our mental tiredness. Regular morning walk also keeps us fit and energetic throughout the day.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Madhyamik English; Lesson 1; Father's Help

                                                             Father's Help
R.K Narayan is one of the leading figures of early Indian literature in English. He is best known for his book "Malgudi Days", a collection of short stories set against the background of a fictional town of Malgudi during the British India.
     The present story, an abridged version of the original story of same name is also taken from the book "Malgudi Days". The main character like most of the other stories in the book is a young boy named Swami.
                                            Unit -1
1. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:
(a) With a shudder Swami realized that it was
(iv) Monday
(b) when Swami ought to have been in the school prayer hall, he was lying on the
(i) bench
(c) According to Swami, Samuel is especially angry with boys who are
(ii) late

2. Fill in the chart with information from the text:
(a) at nine o'clock Monday morning.
(b) his father
(c) Samuel

3. State whether the following statements are True or False. Provide sentences/phrases/words in support of your answer.
(a) TRUE
S.S- "Headache,"Swami replied."
S.S- "Swami was lying in his Mother's room.
S.S- "they say that even the headmaster is afraid of him."

4. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:
(a) Father decided to send the headmaster a
(iii) letter
(b) while going to school Swami was bothered by
(a) conscience
(c) the colour of  Samuel's coat was
(iv) yellow

5. Complete the following sentences with information from the text:
(a) Father's behavior took an unexpected turn
(b) Swami went to school feeling that he was the worst boy on earth.
(c) Swami stopped on the roadside to make up his mind about Samuel.

6. Answer the following questions:
a) where did father put the letter?
Ans- Father put the letter in an envelope and sealed it so that Swami could not see what was written in it.
b) what did Swami fail to decide about Samuel?
Ans- Swami could not decide if Samuel really deserved the allegations made against him in the letter.
c) How did Samuel look?
Samuel had a dark face with thin moustache and unshaven cheek. Samuel wore a yellow coat.

                                              Unit - 3
7. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:
a) When Swami entered the class, Samuel was teaching
(ii) arithmatic
b) Swami was late to school by
(i) half an hour.
c) the headmaster was on leave for 
(iv) a week

8. Complete the following sentences with information from the text:
a) As Swami entered the school gate, an idea occurred to him that he would deliver the letter to the headmaster at the end of the day.
b)Swami stood at the entrance to his class.
c) Father snatched the letter away from Swami and tore it up.

9. Fill in the chart with information from the text.
a) He had a headache
b) He was hesitant to deliver the letter to his headmaster.
c) The headmaster was on leave.

10. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:
a) Rina (take/takes/took) the bus to school everyday.
Ans: Rina takes the bus to school everyday.

এখানে বাক্যটি Present Indefinite Tense এ আছে।এবং যেহেতু Present Indefinite Tense এ subject third person singular number তাই verb এর সাথে 's' বা '-es' যোগ করতে হল।

b) Last Monday while we (was watching/ have been watching/ were watching) the television, the electricity went off.

Ans: Last Monday while we were watching television, the electricity went off.
এখানে বাক্যটির প্রথম অংশ Past Continuous এ আছে। তাই were watching হল।

c) By this tomorrow they (will have left/will have left/will had left).
Ans: By this time tomorrow they will have left.

11. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and preposition:
Arifa, the younger of the two girls, has cracked IIT, while the older one is an engineer in a multinational company.

12. write a letter to the editor of a newspaper(within 100) words about the problems faced by commuters due to reckless driving of public vehicles.

The Editor,
The Times of India,
Kolkata - 700032

                        Sub: Reckless driving of public vehicles.
     I shall be highly obliged if you kindly publish my concern about the problems faced by the commuters due to reckless driving of public vehicles. Life has become very fast in today's world and with that has created many problems. such a problem is reckless driving. public do not obey traffic rules and deliberately break red signals which cause many difficulties especially during office hours. Overtaking is another ill effect of reckless driving. Young generation is now a days obsessed with bike racing.They are inspired by the media. Many have lost their lives due to bike racing. Another common thing today is use of mobile phones while driving. This has brought about serious consequences.
       so, through your esteemed daily I would like to draw the attention of all the people and would request to the administration to take serious steps to deal with this menace.
Thanking You.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Yours faithfully,
                                                                                                                                                                                                Arnab Goswami 

15, Kathma para lane
Murshidabad - 742103
Date: 29th July, 2016